
Category: IT

  • Ode To Gentoo

    Ode To Gentoo

    One of the reasons I’ve enjoyed using Gentoo Linux for the last 15 years is its version-less release model, which is similar to the BSD Ports system. Early in my career, I tried many different Linux distributions, where managing versions and updates was almost always a frustrating experience. Living with Gentoo is a completely different…

  • Detecting AI-Generated Content

    Detecting AI-Generated Content

    Another brilliant Java meetup by NY Java SIG (and no, it’s not because I won IntelliJ license raffle). Huge kudos to the organizers for keeping these events coming! Sean Phillips from Johns Hopkins University presented an astonishing method capable of detecting AI-generated content, be it text (that could be read out), AI-generated audio, or even…

  • Peloton Teams: a synergy of Peter Drucker prophecies, Agile, and Cycling

    Peloton Teams: a synergy of Peter Drucker prophecies, Agile, and Cycling

    Peter Drucker is regarded as the father of modern management, and I consider myself fortunate to have been introduced to his books during my college years. Reading good books makes life a bit less interesting as you’re not surprised by the news like Agile job cuts, you actually expect that “…Instead of having “distinct roles…

  • AI concerns

    AI concerns

    Every time I hear concerns regarding the dangers of AI and its “too rapid” adoption I can’t help thinking about the history of cybernetics adoption in the USSR. Having lived most of my life in the USSR/Russia and being involved in the field of IT I strongly believe that the technological gap was the major,…